It’s the time of year when we think about transitions: As we pull out our new calendars, we dream about how our lives will transform — how we’ll grow and improve — in the upcoming year. It’s also a good time for companies to think about how they can make improvements — to stay at the top of their game by delivering the best customer experience possible, for example. One way large enterprises can do this is by migrating to an omnichannel customer engagement platform.

Over the past year, we’ve highlighted many stories of successful customer experience transitions. Here are some favorites to inspire you as we move into 2020.

ATB: When Change Is Good and CX Gurus Are Great

There comes a time when everyone else has to catch up to the early adopters — when “good enough” just isn’t. ATB Financial, a regional Canadian bank, recognized that legacy call center limitations were holding it back. In concert with the migration to up-level its customer experience technology, ATB identified a small group of agents to test new Genesys solutions and act as internal advocates, or “gurus,” to help their peers adopt the new technology. The gurus created a sense of excitement at the agent level that spread to their peers — inspiring adoption from the ground up. Read the blog.

Nemertes Business Value Study: The ROI of Customer Experience Investment

As part of their strategies to improve customer, many companies are moving from legacy, on-premises contact center solutions to Genesys technology. Some of the projects they’re undertaking include automating customer workflow; adding new digital channels; adding omnichannel, mobile-enabling apps; adding or improving analytics; and customizing applications. The benefits are impressive, including reductions in the staff required to manage the solution, decreases in operational costs, improvements in first-call resolution, reductions in call-handle time and increases in customer satisfaction scores. Read the study.

Coca-Cola Business Services North America: Quenching Their Customers’ Thirst for Better Support

Companies of all sizes are undergoing customer experience transformations, including many of the world’s most iconic brands. For Coca-Cola Business Services North America, this meant replacing outdated, legacy systems with a cloud-based, customer experience solution that could support its continued brand success and passion for putting customers first. Learn about this transformation, including the challenges, the business case for migration and immediate results like a 50% reduction in TCO. Check out the highlights in this infographic.

4 Guidelines to Ease Your On-Premises-to-Cloud Journey

Moving your customer experience ecosystem to the cloud delivers many advantages. But that journey also brings changes that require reflection and planning. With deep experience in on-premises-to-cloud migrations, Genesys can help enable a smooth transition. To ease your journey, here are some tips:

  • Focus on the business case: Prioritize top business cases and goals
  • Audit and evaluate existing platforms and on-premises applications: Organize key documentation
  • Expect the need for cultural and mindset changes: Challenge your team to expand its vision 4. Go agile and create incremental wins: take a phased approach to build confidence around your cloud strategy.

For the full story, read the blog.

We hope these stories of successful customer experience transformations inspire you as you look toward 2020. And if you’re thinking about making a transformation in the New Year, let us know how we can help. Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year from Genesys!