“Hello, world!” is a well-known phrase and concept among software developers. The expression generally refers to an example code project meant to guide a new software developer on creating his or her first application with a new product or platform. Modern platforms have come a long way since the origins of this phrase, but the essential concept remains the same: Seamlessly onboard developers from beginner to “Hello, world!” so they can build on a platform quickly.

At Genesys®, developing our network of builders is crucial to the health, growth, and adoption of our cloud platform. Since its inception, the core tenants of our PureCloud® Developer Center are:

  • Documentation by developers for developers
  • Built for daily use, not as a documentation reference
  • Built by our platform developers for developers
  • Automation in deployment and updates
  • Accountability—the developer of the API is the author of the documentation

Still, there’s always room for improvement. We wanted to streamline the onboarding process, so developers can get up and running—and building—quickly. Last month, we released a completely redesigned and refreshed PureCloud Developer Center with a focus on the developer experience; our primary goal is to create a frictionless experience for our builders and accelerate their time to “Hello, world!”

The Developer Center offers traditional resources, such as API and SDK documentation, open source code examples and step-by-step tutorial projects. Our API and SDK reference materials are authored by Genesys development staff as a part of the definition of being done in-line within their code. The concept of “for us, by us” is engrained within our development staff. For example, when we update an API endpoint or add data to a payload, the documentation is included in the pull request that’s reviewed by development management and peers. 

Most importantly, builders leveraging the Developer Center are treated to easy-to-use developer tools that enable them to extend the platform using their own innovations.

  • API explorer: Execute any platform API call against a PureCloud organization.
  • Code editor: Run your code leveraging our platform SDK against a PureCloud organization.
  • Notifications: Subscribe to our platform notifications and stay up-to-date on platform events, changes and real-time events.
  • Web chats and callbacks: Test interaction flows using these easy-to-use methods to generate test customer interactions.
  • Analytics and search query builders: Create your own platform queries against a PureCloud organization in a matter of minutes.

Note: Developer tools require an active PureCloud account to access them. 

These tools are built for ease-of-use; they’re so easy, in fact, that even a non-developer can use them. 

The Developer Center also offers a forum curated by a team of developer evangelists—Genesys employees and contributors to the core PureCloud platform. Use the forum to engage with these experts on best practices, functional capabilities, and common issues. The forum also has an active community of builders who might be able to answer your questions before we do. 

Check out the new and improved PureCloud Developer Center. If you are a PureCloud customer and never made an API call, I’ll bet you can do it in under 2 minutes!