Genesys has always placed value in making a difference in the communities in which we work and live. Last year at G-Force Miami, we extended our commitment to our customers’ communities by launching a contest with our partner, Vidyo, called Giveback: Journey of a Lifetime. We asked our customers what they would do given the gift of budget and resources.

We were surprised not only by the volume of entries we received, but also the quality and passion of the stories. The finalists were presented at G-Force and though it was a close call, our attendees selected the winner – Traveling Carpet from Ramon Ramirez, General Manager of Voicenter in Paraguay. This video shows his winning submission.

Ramon’s entry was for a new project his company got involved in with the Dequeni Foundation [Fundación DEQUENÍ] that helps educate Paraguayan children and their families affected by poverty. The project supports teachers who travel on scooters to remote homes in the community providing lessons and materials such as pencils, crayons, puzzles, paper, building blocks, games and more. Most of the classes are outside, as most houses in Paraguay neighborhoods are a single room, so the teachers spread a carpet out on the ground to create a classroom; thus, the Traveling Carpet.

Traveling Carpet assists approximately 120 children every year who do not have access to early education opportunities. The program aids in basic childhood development including motor skills and emotional skills as well as general hygiene and nutrition. It also teaches good parenting practices, reinforcing the importance of both family and community.

In April 2017, I was fortunate enough to visit the Traveling Carpet project and see its impact. Along with other members of the Genesys Latin America team: Sebastian Ballerini, Noelia Casadidio, Nicola Mazzucotelli, and Bruno Bertini, we traveled to Asuncion, Paraguay, and from there took a 90-minute drive to a neighborhood project outside the city. There we visited the Dequeni Foundation community center to meet with the volunteers and families that opened their homes for daily lessons.

The families have very little—almost incomprehensibly little. But they provide access to their homes for the benefit of the community, all with the goal of giving the children the possibility of a future they never had. The people I met, without exception, were positive and thankful. But mostly they were filled with hope that their dreams for their children would be realized.

People like Ramon, and companies like Voicenter, are great reminders of how important it is to give back to our communities. Voicenter employs a relatively young population and feels a responsibility to have a strong impact on its employees’ lives.

It is Vidyo’s goal to be impactful globally as well. Sam Waicberg, SVP, Business Development at Vidyo said, “We truly believe that visual communications is deeply impacting and bridging communities in ways that were otherwise not possible. The ways in which real-time video interactions can serve organizations like Traveling Carpet, to deliver education and other key development services in remote and rural areas, to children in need makes us remember every day how we can influence change around the globe. We are thankful for organizations like the Dequeni Foundation who are making a difference and are appreciative for the opportunity to partner with Genesys for such a notable cause.”

As the Genesys CMO, I can say it makes me profoundly proud to have customers like Ramon and Voicenter. I was honored to meet him, his team and the people of the Dequeni Foundation who invited me to witness the impact of the Traveing Carpet and the Giveback award. It was truly profound, and a privilege to see it in action. I am also proud to have partners like Vidyo who, without hesitation, sponsored our Giveback: Journey of a Lifetime contest.

For more photos from the trip, visit the Facebook album.

I am excited to see what CX17 Indy and Brussels brings. Be on the lookout for notices on social media and the event app on giveback opportunities during the event.  And if you ever want to support a worthy cause, consider supporting the Traveling Carpet project. They are making a difference.