Contact centers are finally having their moment with the shift to artificial intelligence (AI) and the great outcomes this technology enables. They’re becoming the hub of customer engagement for voice, chat and messaging channels, like WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat. But there’s more to it. As an emerging epicenter of thought leadership, agents and bots working together are becoming lead generators and even sources of content curation.

Reaping the rewards of all this new AI technology takes time and a level of flexibility that supports long-term plans and future technologies. This was the impetus behind the Genesys and Google partnership with integrations you can build on and easily move among multiple channels.

Drivers for Beginning the Journey

Prepping for major technology innovations usually starts where the greatest need is felt, such as containing more interactions, improving first contact resolution and delivering great customer experiences. But thought leaders operate in every area of an organization. And with AI adoption rates booming, some decide to jumpstart their vendor selection journey to beat the business needs.

For example, if you haven’t taken your first major step toward implementing AI-powered bots, you might have to do so in the next 12 months — whether you’re ready or not. Beginning your technology evaluation now means that when your business commits to invest in AI and you need to act, you’re ready to go with carefully considered decisions made up front.

Focus on the Right Questions

Even if you have a short list of vendors in mind, going through the vendor selection journey is likely to turn up surprises. Start with these overriding considerations.

  • Assess where you are before doing anything: Figuring out what to do and when starts with understanding where your business is now in terms of AI readiness.
  • Decide on vendor evaluation criteria first: These might include cost, reputation, customer references and whether capabilities can support long-term plans.
  • Define your roadmap for the future: Match short- and long-term goals with specific AI solutions and a plan for how you’ll get there — realistically.
  • Engage the right technology stakeholders: These teams need to trust your decision-making capabilities. Multiple, supportive relationships in key areas will keep you on track.
  • Set your expectations for the future and how you’re going to apply the technology: For example, you might start with reduced agent workload by containing engagement within bots, but later use bots as part of your lead-generation process.

Understand the Mechanics of the Process

Once you commit to the decision-making process and know your stage of readiness, take the time to learn from others who’ve been through this process. The actual mechanics of the process can prevent unexpected missteps and save time.

Learn how others have navigated their selection journey process for AI-powered automation.

Join us for a Fireside chat: The future of contact center AI with Genesys Cloud and Google Cloud.