“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a familiar proverb that’s proving true to many in 2020. And as the US economy struggles to get back on its feet, many businesses need to reinvent themselves to adjust to what is becoming the new normal. That’s where Company Nurse, a Genesys CloudTM customer, saw an opportunity to make a difference for its customers — while positioning itself for the future.

At the start of the pandemic, the workers’ compensation nurse triage provider saw many businesses close, wondering how they could safely reopen. Company Nurse realized it could help its customers through these difficult times by using its robust technology and expert medical staff in new ways.

While businesses desperately want to reopen and employees want to get back to work, there’s still a great deal of fear and uncertainty around safety. To make matters more complex, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as well as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) require businesses to follow specific guidelines and provide documentation when it comes to maintaining a healthy workplace. Employers now are obligated to keep account of “recordable illness” — a new step for which most aren’t prepared. With employers still trying to figure this out, many have designated their HR personnel as frontline screeners and record keepers to manage these new tasks.

Company Nurse recognizes the need to help its customers get employees back to work safely, unburden HR staff and navigate these new government requirements. That led the company down the path of innovation with a lofty goal: Get one million employees back to work safely.

By using the Genesys Cloud platform, Company Nurse developed screen by Company Nurse — an innovative COVID-19 digital screening and triage guidance solution. This new service provides virtual screening for everyone who enters clients’ workplaces — employees, customers, vendors, visitors, and even students. Employees have access to expert guidance from registered nurses as well as regular monitoring for COVID-related symptoms and exposures. Plus, designated contacts have access to real-time reports through the customizable admin portal. Most importantly, the solution gives businesses peace of mind that they’re doing their part to maintain a safe work environment for employees.

As Genesys Cloud power users, Company Nurse tightly integrated its COVID-19 triage platform with the Genesys API. This allowed the company to create a callback feature from the mobile screener to automatically queue a registered nurse (RN) call. By using skills-based routing, COVID-19 callers are connected with an RN in their state; these calls are all handled in the Genesys Cloud platform.

The screening service works like this:

  1. Employees use their mobile devices to log into the screening service using the business’ custom URL or QR code.
  2. The first time employees log in, they’re asked to register and review the privacy policy.
  3. Once logged-in, the employee is asked a series of COVID symptom- and exposure-related questions, based on the most current CDC guidelines.
  4. Within 30 seconds, the employee either passes or fails the screening based on the answers.
  5. Next steps are provided — either the employee can go about their day or they receive advice for care and referral details.

To enhance this process, Company Nurse is working on a Google Dialogflow bot that will integrate into the service. The Genesys Cloud platform brings together this powerful combination of chat, Google Virtual Agent and content management in a solution that’s quick to deploy and easy to update for the rapidly changing environment of COVID-19.

During these times of adversity, successful companies are those that continue to innovate. Genesys is proud to be a part of the Company Nurse journey and to support its pledge to get one million employees back to work safely.

Listen to Company Nurse CTO Henry Svendblad on our Take a Moment podcast to learn more about screen by Company Nurse and the organization’s inspiring culture.