The first public newspaper started in London more than three centuries ago. No one knew in 1690 how that new technology would change our history, forever. Widespread access to coverage of events and debate on issues of the day changed how every business operated. It brought transparency to the government, forced new kinds of collaboration and accelerated everything. The newspaper changed our culture—how we worked together and how we made decisions. And we could never go back.

Cloud Communication Will Change Your Teams—In a Good Way

Things are changing again as software moves to the cloud, and bringing cultural changes to our businesses. You’ll still get work done, in many ways more work than ever, but cloud tools bring more transparency, collaboration, and speed. Once your teams get used to these tools, they will find they communicate better, know more about their jobs, and are happier and more productive.


Instead of the locked-up reports of the past, cloud applications make data and information easily accessible in the views you use all the time. Giving the entire team access to key insights helps them anticipate issues, make informed decisions and provide crucial backup when needed.


Cloud tools have built-in back channels for your teams to share ideas, insights, and experiences. And these channels have full search capabilities that make it easy to find useful ideas and fixes. When a customer is trying (desperately, in most cases) to send messages on multiple channels, you can easily communicate across teams to coordinate or delegate answers to respond effectively and consistently.


Cloud tools are not just faster, they’re easier to use. You can have all the power in the world behind your systems, but if it takes ages to find the information you need or requires a team of IT specialists to make changes, you don’t have speed. Speed comes when things just feel natural—everything is where you want it and there are no surprises.

That all sounds fantastic, right?

The reality is: We’re only human and change is hard. Plus, there’s never a great time to give up old systems, because you need to get things done. It shouldn’t have to be so hard. You deserve tools that are easy to manage so you can move people around from queue to queue directly. You want the ability to try an alternate routing rule easily in five minutes or less or add an option on the fly to your IVR because it’s a snow day.

You deserve tools that are better so you can switch from managing your applications to managing your teams—talking to people, coaching people, helping them grow and learn.

We couldn’t ignore the newspaper, but some people probably tried. Don’t miss the chance to steer your business to the cloud. Genesys is offering a free CX Master Series to help contact center leaders develop their skills for the fast-paced industry. The courses are based on business use cases and are non-technical.

Learn more about how cloud contact centers improve business in the second course “Your navigation guide to cloud contact centers” of our CX Masters Series. Also, take a few minutes to learn about the first course “Transform CX with intelligent routing and consolidated reporting”.