Information and data are some of the greatest assets. And businesses generate a wealth of both every minute, creating a competitive landscape in which they must be ready to respond and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

At Genesys, we believe that our greatest asset is our customers. Your feedback, as well as how you engage with us and our solutions, gives us opportunities to continuously improve and innovate.

Having a consistent feedback and performance loop is a smarter way to do business. It’s how to improve and, when implemented properly, leads to increased happiness and loyalty. That’s why we’ve adopted the Net Promoter System (NPS) framework to focus our practice on actions that are based on the feedback and data we receive from you.

Twice a year, we send a relationship NPS survey to our global customer base across all product lines. Following each survey period, our team thoroughly analyzes and categorizes each comment to identify key areas of improvement. Then a cross-functional task force unpacks these key focus areas and builds a strategic plan for action.

Meet Your Business Needs

We understand that each of our solutions have specific areas of improvement. Here are some updates from key initiatives we are undertaking for each solution.

The PureCloud® platform

  • Improved Care Expertise and Resolution: We are redesigning our Customer Care Organization and moving to a tier-less model that will accelerate resolution times. We’ll share more about the Care transformation in the coming weeks.

The PureEngageTM platform

  • Boost Product Innovation, Features and Functionality: Cloud-first is the Genesys innovation strategy that enables the use of new cloud-based microservices in any environment. This means we can get new features and capabilities delivered to you faster than ever before. Develop once, using a flexible microservices architecture, and use the features across all three platforms.

The PureConnectTM platform

  • Improved Billing and Invoicing: We’ve launched a comprehensive process improvement initiative that includes auto-email of invoices, better upstream communication if there are any delays and reduction of overall order friction.

Make Engagement Easy

Across all lines of business, it became clear that you wanted an easier way to locate important information. The Genesys Knowledge Network (GKN) is a centralized access point that connects you to what you need—from specific account information via a personalized dashboard (login required), to technical documentation, to the latest release notes.

In addition, we know that some of the best help and ideas come from sharing knowledge with our peers. In connection with GKN, the Genesys Community lets you post and add to discussions on the topics that will drive your business forward. Both the Genesys Community and GKN are branched by your solution.

Innovate Faster and Better

Whether you’re a Genesys customer using a cloud or on-premises solution, we are committed to investing in you. We understand that product features, functionality and delivery on a consistent roadmap are key to driving your business forward. Some of the best innovations are driven by the market. Our Product Ideas Lab (PureCloud, PureConnect, and PureEngage) give you a say in how our products evolve by voting, commenting and creating new ideas.

Just because we’ve done things a certain way for a long time doesn’t mean that’s how we should continue to do them. The world of business is changing constantly—you tell us that every time you provide feedback. Our NPS framework and Voice of the Customer practice show our commitment to putting customers at the center of every business decision.

In the coming weeks we’ll send you our second half (H2) Relationship NPS; I hope you can spare a minute to let us know what we’re doing right—and where we can innovate together.