October was another banner month for new features that span the Genesys CloudTM platform. We’ve built the platform to scale and adapt; we build our APIs and make them accessible to anyone, then use them to create new capabilities that are available with our flexible user or hourly subscription license options. You can also source apps through our AppFoundry partners or build your own capabilities. It’s your choice — buy out of the box, build your own or create a mix of capabilities that best suits your business needs.

Check out some of the highlights and new features that underscore the agility and flexibility of the Genesys Cloud platform.

New Workforce Engagement Management Features

The new work plan rotation feature lets managers create patterns so that shifts within selected work plans rotate, typically on a weekly basis. This gives agents the opportunity to work all shifts and avoid monotonous weekly scheduling.

Planning groups are essential for forecasting and scheduling. They let you determine the queues, channels, language and skill requirements so you have the right coverage for your contact center. New improvements to planning groups give you better access to data and details, including new views and filters that support the number of agents, longer names and the ability to select multiple planning groups.

Now, quality administrators and supervisors can add an interaction to an existing coaching appointment for anyone involved. This feature eliminates the need for administrators to manually cut and paste a link to an interaction when adding it after making the initial appointment. Additionally, you can copy an Interaction ID or the interaction detail page URL directly to a clipboard.

We’ve also reduced the price of the Genesys Workforce Engagement Management add-on subscriptions, making it more affordable than ever to enjoy the workforce capabilities built right into Genesys Cloud.

Recording and Compliance Enhancements

Many organizations are required to follow local regulatory requirements when it comes to notifying callers that their conversations are being recorded. Now administrators can configure a periodic beep tone to give participants an audible alert when a conversation is being recorded.

New Performance Views

Every contact center needs to understand performance. Enhancements to the Genesys Cloud performance views let managers filter and see what routing method is used — and the source provider for each interaction an agent handles. For example, you can quickly determine if the interaction originated from a preferred agent or standard ACD routing, or if the source provider was from Genesys Cloud email or an Edge device.

Additionally, you can email a .csv or .PDF report when exporting data from the performance views. This gives you a better picture of overall performance and insights into how to further optimize your customer experience.

SMS Messaging Campaign Template Improvements

Engaging with your customers, on the channels they prefer, has never been easier. You can now create SMS message content directly in the user interface with SMS templates, making it easier to set up and send outbound messaging campaigns. The SMS message content can include external contact list data, and you can use substitutions to personalize the message for each recipient.

New for Developers and Administrators

  • We’ve added 17 IP addresses to the existing pool of IP addresses per region, dedicated to the Force TURN feature, bringing the total to 26.
  • Developers can use the Analytics Aggregates Endpoint API to retrieve sentiment analysis for voice transcriptions.
  • Administrators can add interaction widgets, an extension of client application integrations, to provide dynamic and customized content within the Genesys Cloud agent desktop. Interaction widgets allow for web or other applications, such as CRM systems, to be accessed and displayed alongside the interaction. This lets your agents get to the information they need immediately, while assisting customers.
  • Developers can use the User Development API to give quality managers and agents access to detail and aggregate data on agent development activities.
  • The Microsoft Teams integration is available from the Genesys AppFoundry Marketplace. Use this integration to view directories, search contacts, and make calls between Microsoft Teams and Genesys Cloud.

For a full list of new Genesys Cloud features, visit the Release Notes in the Genesys Cloud Resource Center. If you have a question regarding one of these or other features, ask the online Genesys Cloud community or reach out to your Genesys representative.