We are proud to announce that Genesys will migrate users and content from our three product-focused customer communities into one site—Genesys Community. This site gives you a single place to ask questions to Genesys experts, connect with your peers and share your knowledge. You can also use the community to tell us what you want and need from Genesys resources and products.

In addition to current community functionality, Genesys Community members have access to:

  • Updated discussion boards with improved features, including updated tagging abilities that improve both search functions and content access;
  • Integrated libraries of shared resources from Genesys and member contributors;
  • The ability to directly connect with industry peers;
  • Options to receive daily, weekly or real-time email digests that highlight recent community conversations through profile customization features;
  • Access to the community outside of the My Support portal (for Genesys PureEngageTM platform users);
  • An updated look and feel.

Creating Community and Offering Motivation

The Genesys Community fulfills the inherent human need for community and feedback. It also offers gamification principles to address achievements and offer rewards for participating in the community. The Genesys Community aims to address the four main gaming styles, making it an invaluable member benefit.

So, what motivates agents? One of the major theories behind gamification is that game players, and essentially all people, fall into four gaming styles: Socializers, Achievers, Explorers and Competitors. These gaming styles represent how an individual is motivated when playing games and tackling tasks.

While most people fall into a single category, some cross over into another style that best serves their main motivation at that time. And gaming styles can carry over to how individuals use software or their level of participation in an online community.

To better understand the four styles and associated motivators, Richard Bartle matches them to playing cards in his book Designing Virtual Worlds. And Gabe Zichermann further breaks down those styles to show how they match percentages of the population in Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps. The following image shows how typical contact center agent roles pair with these gaming styles.

Knowing a person’s player type can help you predict which action that a person will take in certain situations, according to Zichermann. For example, a Socializer might praise a coworker for a new idea while a Competitor would say that he or she had the same idea before.

Share Your Thoughts

What would make Genesys Community participation more compelling, fun and invaluable for you? Let us know by emailing GenesysCommunity@genesys.com.  Join the community and network with your peers in the Genesys Community.