Communication is how business gets done. Without a clear understanding of the communication taking place in your business, and how it relates to accomplishing key business objectives, you could miss out on key insights that will keep you relevant in an ever-changing market. Top-tier contact center platforms were developed with cutting-edge tools that can drastically improve business communications. But with this comes an increased need to understand how your business communications drive value to your customers.

One of the greatest challenges of any contact center is understanding how the data they have relates to business outcomes. Although many of the technologies leveraged today include some form of data logging, they frequently lack any true way to unify the data from one system to another. You likely use multiple tools in any given customer engagement, including a customer experience solution to route calls or email, a CRM system to keep customer records, and a help desk or ticketing tool to track cases. With all these disparate tools in place, it’s difficult to harvest information and develop a business strategy. 

Unify Contact Center Data from Disparate Solutions

If you use a Genesys reporting solution to efficiently manage your teams, you can strengthen and improve your data by correlating your Salesforce records to better understand how your contact center best practices influence the bottom line. Genesys AppFoundry partner eMite develops, supports and maintains a connection to your Salesforce data. The eMite Advanced Analytics solution enables you to unify data from varying sources into a single dashboard, providing unique insights by cross-correlating previously isolated information. And the eMite Salesforce adapter lets you parse Salesforce information into our schema to enrich your key Genesys measure and metrics. This process ensures that both your Genesys and Salesforce data are well structured to allow detailed analysis of your contact center and CRM KPIs.

If team members are dedicating countless to manually extracting data with cumbersome queries to build reports by hands to make sense of the data, on-boarding  your Salesforce data into eMite can eliminate this process. It indexes and cross-correlates your data into easy-to-read dashboards and reports.

Data Integration

Integrating Salesforce data isn’t the end of the road. In the contact center, eMite integrates with other Genesys AppFoundry partners such as Plantronics for headset analysis, Voci, Call Journey, Survey Dynamix and others.

Along with the pre-built adapters, eMite can also query a home-grown SQL database directly or accept data via an output from applications, such as a CSV or XLS documents. The goal is to take all your disparate sets of data and combine them to get the whole story—not just snapshots.

Three Benefits of eMite integration

  1. Reduce data and resource duplication.If you’re running a contact center and using disparate tools and resources to store data, you’re likely duplicating information. eMite deployments ingest and parse this data so you can easily add missing information via the KPI builder. With eMite, you can simply integrate another technology and remove the potential of storing duplicate data.
  2. Analyze data easily and efficiently. Traverse and analyze data with custom visualizations, ad-hoc reporting capabilities, time series, relationship analytics and geo-mapping.
  3. Deepen your data analysis capabilities. Analyze correlated data from Genesys, Salesforce and other applications to enable data analysis, including agent performance, revenue generation, costs analysis and task creation.

Architecture Overview

  • Dashboards represent multiple reports, including correlated data from Salesforce, Genesys and other data sources.
  • Reports are easily constructed to present consolidated measures and KPIs in a single pane of glass.
  • KPIs map Genesys and Salesforce measures into intelligent metrics such as “sales-to-call ratio” or “revenue per minute.”
  • The eMite solution maps data from each source into a common field for reporting.
  • Real-time eMite connectors gather data from Genesys and Salesforce systems concurrently.

For more information on Genesys AppFoundry partner eMite, please stop by the website or find us in the AppFoundry Marketplace. You can also view their on-demand webinar at your convenience to learn how to bring advanced customer experience intelligence to your PureCloud platform.

This post was co-authored by Tyrel Jensen from eMite. As a Senior Solutions Engineer, Tyrel has been working with Contact Center reporting solutions for 6+ years on a variety of platforms including Genesys, Cisco, Avaya, and ShoreTel to name a few.  Having worked with hundreds of companies from Enterprise to SMB in the US and EMEA, Tyrel has experience in understanding the challenges facing modern Contact Center managers as they navigate the development of Customer Experience best practices.  Tyrel joined Prophecy International in 2018 to further efforts in bringing the eMite Advanced Analytics solution to the Genesys market in the US.