Like most people, I notice—and appreciate—great, authentic customer service. And, I know that being on the frontline of the customer service business can be a hard and thankless task at times. So, when I do receive great customer service, I make a personal effort of recognizing it.

With stories of less-than-stellar customer experiences frequently making the headlines, I believe there is an untold story—about agents who have been out there doing amazing things for their customers, about these relatively ordinary people who’ve done extraordinary things. At Genesys, we want to bring some of these stories of everyday heroism to life.

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new initiative, “CX Heroes,” to celebrate the unsung stars of customer service.

These “moment makers” are people who have gone well beyond the norm and helped customers through incredibly challenging experiences. We also want to celebrate those agents who have simply and continuously delivered customer service excellence—rain or shine. We think celebrating these ‘moment makers’ is especially critical in an era where people are concerned about losing the last vestiges of human-powered customer service, loyalty, and trust with the advent of artificial intelligence and bots.

CX Heroes

We just launched the initiative at Customer Contact Week in Las Vegas and have been announcing it at our G Summits around the globe. Over the coming year, we’ll continue to spread the word and will be asking you to nominate your CX Heroes.

We want to hear stories of great customer connections—whether it’s about an agent who provided you with an exceptional experience or the story of a colleague you know who has gone the extra mile, or the extra 10 miles, in serving a customer. We want to find the most amazing examples of heroic customer service and tell those stories. Each month, we’ll profile nominees from around the world, and we’ll celebrate the finalists at CX19 in Denver.

The Human Touch

Nobody appreciates the hard work of customer service agents more than we do at Genesys. We believe that engaging with businesses should feel no different than engaging with people. The heroes behind that engagement, of course, are customer service personnel.

The best experiences happen when moments are connected—when agents make seamless and intuitive connections. That’s why we want to feature these “moment makers”—the individuals who take helping customers to the “next level” and beyond.

Please submit your CX Heroes stories and nominations, we’ll start sharing the best of these stories with the community at large, culminating the very best at our Xperience19 in Denver, Colorado, June 10 -13, 2019.

Together, let’s celebrate the best of this industry and of our society—the select few who have made a real difference in people’s lives: our CX Heroes.