Sometimes old solutions are still the right tool. And, ironically, command-line interfaces (CLI) are now making a comeback in modern cloud platforms. We built Genesys CloudTM with admin controls that are easy to understand and operate. But when you need to make a lot of changes to big teams all that mousing and clicking gets old. So, if you love to automate everything with scripts — and you want to apply multiple changes to a set of users — your time has come.

While you could build custom API connections with our API toolkits, you’d need to test and maintain that code. In many cases, all you really need is a simple CLI for the APIs. Our new Genesys Cloud CLI gives you scriptable access to common admin API functions. Now you can simplify repetitive or complex administrative tasks using your preferred scripting tools

What You Can Do with Our CLI

  • Automate mundane, repetitive tasks and save your admins from frustrations (and carpal tunnel syndrome).
  • Automate special functions where you don’t need or want a full integration.
  • Empower your scripting pros with shell scripts and regular expressions instead of having to use a full-stack API developer.
  • Use the same syntax and documentation as Genesys Cloud API calls for data organization and status responses.
  • Use the composable CLI to integrate cleanly with tools like Unix command-line tools and JQ (a JSON query and transformation tool).
  • Use our GitHub repo script examples to break big lists into blocks or concatenate results so you can manage your automation within the subscription quotas of our platform.

Common Use Cases
Let’s look at some common use cases — and what you can automate — when using CLI with the Genesys Cloud platform.

Automate Changes to People Using Genesys Cloud

  • Add/retire people.
  • Assign/remove skills, languages, groups, queues, roles and permissions for activity, profile data (contact info, org hierarchy, bios), phone DID or stations, sites and locations, passwords, and authentication states.

Automate Your Notifications

  • Use scripting to send alerts to people, groups or queues.
  • Use events from other systems to trigger notifications or other changes in Genesys Cloud.
  • Pass notification payloads to downstream scripts for other actions.
  • Keep a subscription open without having to log into development tools.

Exact Search results with powerful Combination Search

  • Combine skills, queues, location, roles, etc., to find exact sets of users. Then pipe the list to other scripts to apply changes to those precise results.

Automate Queries for API Usage

  • Automatically check the health of activities and scripts (built-in, 10-second polling).
  • Sort JSON results by date and client — and then convert those results into CSV files for other applications to use.
  • Wrap our platform CLI in PowerShell or other scripting tools to extend the processes you have. Script-savvy readers just breathed a sigh of relief.

What’s Coming Next

CLI for Genesys Cloud is in Beta now; several large Genesys customers are using it. Look for General Availability in early March 2021.

And like all Genesys Cloud platform projects, our CLI work follows an Agile approach. The initial set of commands are admin API calls based on common customer requests. If you have other API calls you want us to add to the CLI, we want to hear from you. Your feedback is important as we plan what’s next in our developer community forums.

To learn more, check out our developer documentation. And see the GitHub repo for CLI recipes. Let’s build something great together.