Your company has built their customer support and sales contact center on the finest technology platform. That’s a good start. But you also need to ensure that you meet or exceed your customer expectations while protecting your bottom line.

The starting point for any improvement is a thorough understanding of your unique business requirements—establishing exactly what you’re trying to achieve in terms of financial, customer service and other benefits like employee retention. Once you have this baseline, implement one or more of these strategies to elevate your contact center performance.

  1. Optimize your contact center: Your customers demand near-real-time communications to answer questions, resolve issues and access resources. Meeting this requirement through the channel that’s most comfortable for them reduces sales and service friction and improves customer loyalty and satisfaction scores. Customers who experience a prompt and satisfactory resolution to a service failure leave the experience with greater customer loyalty and increased the likelihood to purchase from you in the future. Companies who can achieve this are at the top of the class in customer satisfaction and profitability.
  2. Implement omnichannel touchpoints: In most scenarios, voice is still the primary channel. But there are significant segments of customers who prefer to communicate through chat, email, bots, and SMS. There also has been a lot of discussion around the subject of multichannel. However, multichannel creates friction when customers switch channels (e.g., from chat to voice). Omnichannel is a significant step forward because it allows you to service customers across all channels in a unified manner while maintaining consistent service and reporting standards.
  3. Update your voice user interface design: Your voice user interface (VUI) is critically important; it’s often first—or only—way customers contact you. Effective VUI design improves user experience and increases conversion rates. Skillful VUI designers have a thorough knowledge of the entire communication process and know how to use voice to quickly satisfy current and future customers’ needs.
  4. Tune your speech recognition system: Tuning is a cost-effective service to keep your existing IVR system running smoothly. The goal is to improve speech recognition accuracy and contact center metrics. This doesn’t necessarily require a major undertaking. For example, we offer a faster tuning cycle that utilizes a smaller number of utterances to reduce out-of-grammar (OOG) utterances by expanding the grammar or altering a prompt to reduce or remove ambiguity.
  5. Upgrade your analytics and reporting: Genesys is a great platform, and you can enhance it by adding the ability to use reporting to improve the customer experience. Whatever you choose to measure, the goal is to combine high customer satisfaction with low average costs per contact. And that produces the greatest win/win scenario for your company and your customer. Examples include improved service-level performance and call containment rates, decreased call abandon rate, higher transaction completion rate, lower average wait times and improved agent productivity metrics.

These are just a few of the ways to boost the performance of your Genesys platform. To learn more, watch our 20-minute on-demand webinar.

This post was co-authored by Seth Wilson, a Principal Consultant at Forty 7 Ronin. Wilson has two decades of experience in the technology and contact center industries, with a successful track record in project managing system enhancements throughout all phases of the Genesys project lifecycle.