Provisioning standardized and centralized end users across multiple disparate systems is a huge challenge for enterprises. From provisioning new employees to daily change activities, these tasks involve inputting the same information into different provisioning systems, often manually—over and over. This is expensive and time-consuming, especially for highly agile business organizations.

In fact, using multiple disparate systems and applications creates a multitude of obstacles in the contact center. Auditing and diagnosing agent profile data elements across these disparate applications is time-consuming and difficult to measure. And a lack of transparency makes it hard to pinpoint how significant profile data integrity affects business operations.

A simple audit creates significant challenges when there are thousands of data elements to sift through. And, it’s further complicated when profile information doesn’t follow a standard format from application to application. Traditional methods like spreadsheets and individual dedication take months to audit and validate profile data, causing an enormous drain on valuable resources.

To overcome these challenges and see productivity gains and cost savings, contact center managers need an interface with flexible and easy-to-navigate dashboards, organizational analytics through comprehensive reporting, and the ability to track reports. The OpsTel Identity profile management suite of products includes several unique tools and methodologies. The products empower contact center managers to equip IT and business support teams with provisioning and maintaining end user profile data and skills configuration.

The management suite improves employee data and skills management with features such as:

  • Easy to use, intuitive tools through an advanced GUI design
  • Real-time management and agent-level dashboards
  • Multi-organization provisioning access by role
  • Easy-to-read templates and analytics
  • Individualized work metrics creation and tracking
  • System parameters that can be adjusted on the fly

The suite also improves productivity and quality using:

  • Central data and template storage
  • Automatic multisystem configuration updating
  • Automatic modification detection and auditing
  • Individual, team, group and organizational reporting
  • Continuously automated performance analysis
  • Statistical feedback on staff roles and skills

The OpsTel product suite implements a unique auditing tool that uses automation capabilities, proven methodologies and improved processes developed to address a need to manage agent profile access and configurations. The out-of-the-box functionality includes diagnostic reports that alert managers to overall inaccuracies in selected applications while identifying the specific type of inaccuracy. The automated auditing tool also reduces the time and resources needed to diagnose and validate ID profile information. The suite offers:

  • Proven methodologies to accelerate implementation
  • Pre-configuration completed in days
  • Once configured audits take approximately 15 minutes
  • Non-intrusive to production environment
  • Minimal resource requirements
  • The ability to invoke by client after initial audit is complete

The tool also delivers detailed anomaly reports down to attribute level by application and identifies stranded profiles that consume unused licenses. Finally, it reduces completion times from months to days, mitigates downstream collateral damage caused by ID profile inaccuracy and provides a baseline for ID profile integrity.

To learn more about how to provision agents more efficiently and cost effectivity, see OpsTel on the AppFoundry marketplace to learn more about their solution, Profile Watchdog, for Genesys PureEngage. You can also visit OpsTel Services.