Genesys consistently looks to our customers for feedback on how we can improve their experiences and help them succeed. Last summer, a group of Genesys team members gathered to discuss a list of things our customers want us to do better.

We discovered that our customers want answers to these six questions:

  1. How do I understand my relationship with Genesys?
  2. How do I use Genesys products?
  3. How can I learn from other businesses that deliver great customer experiences?
  4. How do I connect with others, ask questions, share what I know and stay informed?
  5. How do I access self-help, or track and open support cases?
  6. How do I do what others have done? Where am I on my path to Genesys success?

As a result, we’ve built a single network where customers, partners, employees, and prospects can find answers to these—and other—questions. This month, we launched the Genesys Knowledge Network, a single-sign-on (SSO) network that links to all product-supporting sites—across all product lines.

Using a personalized, drag-and-drop, customizable dashboard, you have permission-based access to one network that links you to the GCAP (Genesys Customer Advocacy Program), My Support, Consultant, and Partner portals. You’ll also have access to all documentation, training, community, developer, blog, status sites, the PureSuccess dashboard, and more.

Our goal is for the Genesys Knowledge Network to leave no question unanswered; we strive to give you access to the tools and information you need to be successful.

What other tools do you need for success? How can we help further? We want to hear from you. Submit your ideas and feedback about the Genesys Knowledge Network today.