This blog post was co-authored by Genesys technology partner, eMite.

Complexity and silos are enemies of insight. And lack of insight is the enemy of decisive action. Enabling your business to respond to issues or opportunities is the goal of reporting and analytics.

The average contact center runs multiple systems to manage customer engagement. So, obtaining a holistic view often falls somewhere between very difficult to impossible. And, because customer experience (CX) environments have grown and evolved over time, this is even more difficult for large enterprises and government organizations. Different systems were procured for different reasons at different times. Activities like mergers and acquisitions have added business units with different tech stacks. To further complicate this, different business units often have different reporting or compliance requirements. Or there are downstream providers or suppliers that need separate and different insights and measurements, metrics and specialized KPIs to meet their needs.

These companies need end-to-end insight from systems, such as IVR solutions, omnichannel contact center software, separate chat and chatbots, sentiment, workforce management tools, transcription, Net Promoter Score and satisfaction systems, as well as other business systems like databases and spreadsheets. In large enterprises, it’s rare that a single vendor provides an end-to-end tech stack that makes integration easy or out of the box. Large companies usually have complex environments with tools and systems from multiple vendors — and that makes integration and correlation difficult.

The COVID-19 pandemic — and the need for companies to move employees to remote working — further complicated this, creating geographically dispersed workforces. This global shift in the way we work, and the way contact centers operate, has produced a need for contact center technology to adapt and provide the types of data and insights that measure performance at the individual agent-level. This also unlocks access to a level of data that drives contact center efficiency and performance.

Analysis in this complex environment must help businesses answer the following questions and provide historical trends to compare against — in real time.

  • How are my customers are engaging me?
  • What do customers want from me?
  • Am I efficiently providing what customers want?
  • Are customers happy — through every touchpoint — with my company or agency?
  • Do I have enough staff to deliver the services my customers want?
  • Are my agents available when and where it’s necessary?
  • Are my systems performing as well as my people?

All this information and associated insights must be consistent, shareable, customizable and flexible enough to meet evolving business needs.

Automation, Bots and Optimization

Enterprises are also adding non-human agents into the CX mix. Automating menial and repetitive tasks allows your agents to connect with your customers, rather than simply operating as vending machines for information. This means your agents can perform more high-value tasks, which creates happy, engaged employees who want to remain at your company.

As more automated systems are introduced, it’s critical to monitor their performance and continue to optimize the overall context of your customer experience. Often, systems like IVR or transfers between systems and agents can negative affect customer satisfaction. Keep track of the experience throughout the entire customer journey — and during transitions across systems or processes.

In addition, enterprises must meet and report on various compliance requirements across multiple geographies and jurisdictions.

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