FOMO — fear of missing out — can strike at any time, even in the call center.

You’ve read the reports and case studies and you’ve heard from your peers: Upgrading to a better cloud call center is the path to success. That said, you also have a job to do — one that doesn’t allow time for product investigations, t-chart comparisons and marketing-speak translations. You know you’re missing out on the benefits of a cloud call center. And you want a more promising solution — but you can’t prioritize an upgrade right now. If this sounds familiar, you could be experiencing cloud call center FOMO.

Cloud call center FOMO is an underflowing current in the back of your mind that calls out to you each time an emerging issue is missed, anytime a customer complains or whenever a simple activity takes longer than it should.

*Disclaimer: Anyone who hasn’t upgraded yet likely will experience cloud call center FOMO after reading this post.

You’re probably wondering what causes cloud call center FOMO, if you really do have it and how serious your condition is. First, to determine if you have this condition, take this self-assessment.

  • Do you feel unfulfilled by your current call center software?
  • Do your fingers ache from managing so many disparate systems?
  • Are you experiencing narrowed vision when looking at data, employee workloads and customer satisfaction?
  • Is your voice hoarse from extended conversations with IT over mundane tasks?
  • Do you experience high levels of scheduling anxiety each month?
  • Do high agent turnover rates have you feeling lonely?
  • Have you gained weight while sitting around — waiting for employees to finish training?
  • Are you losing sleep because you’re overworked and feeling inefficient?
  • Do you feel powerless when system changes need to occur?
  • Are you overly fearful of system outages and security breaches?

If you answered “Yes” to at least three of these questions, you might have cloud call center FOMO.

But don’t worry: There’s a cure. You don’t have to suffer from this condition any longer. The Genesys® PureCloud® application is an all-in-one, cloud-native product that can put an end to your FOMO. Here’s how.

Happy customers: Unify all communication channels, interactions and work items through omnichannel routing with the simple PureCloud interface. Easily design, monitor and tune the entire customer journey while delivering the consistent omnichannel experience your customers expect and deserve.

Happy employees: Enable employees to talk, chat, video, or search for and find the expert they need to solve any issue via unified communication and built-in collaboration tools. You have smart employees; empower them.

Faster time to value: Eliminate uptime delays and in-depth training. With the PureCloud application, your cloud call center can be up and running in weeks — not years — thanks to the availability of simple pricing models and quick installation.

Scalability: Easily add and create integrations that serve your organization and your customers today and tomorrow through secure APIs, prepackaged add-ons and the ability to extend functionality with a click of a button.

Security and resiliency: Meet all the needs within your call center — whether it’s during a peak season or a lull in activity. And know you — and your customers — are protected from outages and breaches.

Efficiency: Bridge your teams and information for effortless collaboration. The PureCloud application automates forecasting and scheduling across channels to optimize productivity and deliver on SLAs within budget.

Less complexity and more flexibility: Migrating to the PureCloud application can simplify all aspects of your call center — and you won’t get locked into any long-term contracts or hidden, complex pricing structures.

Increased interconnectivity: When your employees are well-equipped with the information and tools they need — channels, interaction types, customer context and performance insights — they can deliver the extraordinary experience your customers deserve. Remove the silos with a move to all-in-one PureCloud application.

Less reliance on IT: Empower agents to handle tasks and free up IT resources with the simple and friendly user interface of the PureCloud application.

Data-driven insights: Use interactive dashboards for a consolidated view of customers, agents and interactions — across all media types. And with the PureCloud application, you can access that information any time and from anywhere.

Focus on customers, not technology: Let agents handle different types of conversations simultaneously through tools, such as customer co-browse and screen share.

The Antidote for Cloud Call Center FOMO

When it comes to a diagnosis of cloud call center FOMO, don’t despair. With the right call center product, you can be on the road to recovery — and feeling even better than before. Prescription: Upgrade your call center to PureCloud  — stat — drink lots of fluids and call us in the morning. Our Customer Care team wants to make sure you’re improving.

Learn more with this tip sheet “Twelve signs you’re ready to upgrade to a cloud contact center.”