The foundation of customer service has always relied on personal, face-to-face relationships built on trust. Over time, industries have changed and technologies have improved, but customers are demanding personalized journeys now more than ever.  So how can your business deliver a personal face-to-face experience with the same convenience of a web chat? The answer is video chat.

With VidyoEngage for Genesys, your agents can now provide your customers that in-store, in-person experience from the comfort of their home using a mobile device, tablet, or their laptop. The patented Vidyo technology leverages existing Genesys technologies like skills-based routing to provide a cohesive solution. To your customers, it will feel like it is your solution, your video, not a 3rd party app.

Click-to-Vidyo: From a web page, kiosk, or mobile application, your customers can click a button and automatically be routed to the appropriate agents utilizing your existing skills-based routing trees.

Chat-to-Vidyo: Web chat not quite solving the customer’s problem? With the click of a button, escalate to a Vidyo call for a face-to-face interaction to build trust, or if it is technical issues – provide immediate “See What I See” support.

Voice-to-Vidyo: Sometimes a phone call isn’t enough. Using SMS, e-mail, or social media, you can send the customer a personalized Vidyo link and join them in a face-to-face call within seconds.

Additional Vidyo Features

Content Sharing: Either the agent or customer can share their desktop or a specific application/file straight from their device.

Multi-party Support: Need to bring in a subject matter expert? Customer want to discuss it with a spouse or partner? Easily done by sending a link via e-mail or SMS to the other person.

Mobile Support: Not only can your customers join from their mobile devices, but you can also embed VidyoEngage directly into your mobile application so your customers can initiate a video call straight from the app.

Security: Vidyo maintains the same level of security that top government, financial, and healthcare organization are required to uphold.


When compared to traditional channels, cross sales increase by 20%, Net Promoter Score doubles, and other KPIs like average handle time, order value, upsell rate and conversion rate all see improvements when using video enabled chat in the contact center. To see it for yourself, click this link and sign up for a demo and be sure to check out our webinar hosted by Genesys here.

This blog post has been co-authored with Clay Reynolds. He is currently the Partner Account Manager at Vidyo, a Genesys partner and AppFoundry member providing high quality customer – agent video interaction right with clear and consistent video support using Vidyo’s best-in-breed software. Millions of users around the world visually connect every day with Vidyo’s secure, scalable technology and cloud-based services. Recognized with over 120 patents, the company’s software platform and APIs are used by enterprise customers, service providers, and ecosystem partners to create innovative HD quality video-enabled applications embedded into workflows and emerging IoT devices. Learn more at, on the blog, or follow Vidyo on Twitter @vidyo and on Facebook.