When it comes to customer experience, the best stories are those that give customers a personalized omnichannel journey. And leading companies are undergoing a CX transformation to deliver those experiences at scale – leveraging world-class technologies and empowering employees with the tools they need to excel.

Knowing what customers want – and where customer experience is lagging – can help you know where to focus efforts this year. This blog looks at the top statistics every CX leader needs to know to gain a competitive advantage in 2023 and beyond.

Loyalty is won or lost where customer expectations meet reality. 

86% of consumers say a company is only as good as its service.

13% of CX leaders say their company offers a truly omnichannel experience today.

33% of consumers have stopped using a company after a negative service interaction in the past year.

#1 Consumers’ greatest priority for personalization is: “Receiving the services I need at any time and in my preferred channel.”

The Takeaway

Efficient, personalized experiences win loyalty and trust. Your experience is your brand. Yet the data shows we’re transforming too slowly — and that tells customers they’re not a priority. It’s time to close the gap.

Una scarsa Employee Experience è un rischio sia per il fatturato che per i ricavi.

Il 76% dei responsabili della CX afferma che il morale del contact center è basso.

6 responsabili CX su 10 si trovano a dover affrontare l’aumento dei costi del reclutamento dei dipendenti.

48% of CX leaders say their organization currently does little or nothing at all to make contact center jobs easier.

#1 The top strategic priority for CX leaders worldwide is improving employee experience with new technology.

Il 64% dei responsabili della CX dichiara che i propri agenti sono frustrati per la mancanza delle informazioni necessarie per assistere i clienti sul momento; l’83% dei responsabili della CX intervistati utilizzerà la tecnologia di assistenza agli agenti entro il 2024.

The Takeaway

We’re competing for contact center talent based on the quality of our workplace culture and career development opportunities. Contact center employees need great technology to be successful in every interaction. They also need a progressive program of skills building and leadership development to keep them motivated over the long term.

The most valuable technologies right now are the ones that simplify the customer and employee experiences. 

Le 3 tecnologie più avanzate per migliorare l’esperienza degli agenti fino al 2024 sono i consigli di coaching e formazione basati sull’intelligenza artificiale, il monitoraggio delle prestazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale e chatbot e voicebot.

71% of CX leaders are implementing a customer experience platform that integrates systems as a top strategic priority for 2023.

#1 CX leaders worldwide say the greatest benefit of migrating to the cloud is better access to data across channels.

L’87% delle aziende afferma che l’intelligenza artificiale rende le esperienze più empatiche per il cliente.

The Takeaway

The future of customer experience is an open, composable platform that allows for rapid innovation, data integration and access to the ecosystem.

Il vantaggio vincente nella CX

La morale di questa storia di dati: nel 2023 e oltre, le organizzazioni vinceranno con l’empatia. Vale a dire, supereranno la concorrenza quando offriranno customer journey fluidi e pertinenti per i clienti, coinvolgeranno i loro dipendenti in un percorso personalizzato di apprendimento e sviluppo che farà progredire le loro carriere e utilizzeranno tecnologie agili a supporto di entrambi.   

The state of customer experience | genesys

The State of Customer Experience

Organizations are failing to meet customer expectations. Find out how you can deliver the exceptional.