The way we work is changing before our eyes.

Millions of employees in the contact centre experienced the freedom and flexibility of working from home over the past few years. The organisations they work for have gained the confidence in offering this option. And now many contact centre agents are reluctant to return to fixed office hours and locations. That’s why a workforce engagement management (WEM) solution has become critical. WEM enables organisations to reimagine how they manage the workforce.

It empowers companies to motivate their employees, innovate so they can predict employee behaviour and automate processes for frictionless management. Ultimately, it allows organisations to unleash employee superpowers through more actively engaging employees in their roles.

Managing workers remains a work in progress for many organisations. And that’s especially apparent when it comes to customer experience (CX) teams in the contact centre.

While policies and technologies have changed dramatically over the past few years, many organisations still have concerns about the effectiveness and efficiency of CX teams working remotely, according to “Customer experience and the future of work,” a research report of 800 senior business leaders by MIT Technology Review Insights in collaboration with Genesys.

CX leaders are rethinking the value different types of employees offer in meeting continually rising customer and employee expectations — and providing seamless, personalised experiences without growing their costs. These leading organisations are rethinking their CX workforce strategy by identifying which capabilities they want greater control over and where to rely on specialist partners or individuals, according to the MIT report.

A workforce engagement management solution can help you do a better job of engaging your employees whether they’re remote, hybrid or on-site. This is true even if you’re changing your mix of employee classifications.

We’re going to explore the subject of WEM — what it is, the problems it solves and the capabilities that WEM software provides.

Workforce engagement management

What Is Workforce Engagement Management?

Workforce engagement management is a modern approach that extends beyond traditional workforce management or workforce optimisation. It’s designed to help you build a better business — not just improve employee productivity.

Rather than focusing narrowly on the efficiency metrics that call centres have traditionally tracked, WEM software focuses on employee engagement. It gives employees the tools to help them take full advantage of their innate abilities. For example, a WEM solution can bring out an employee’s empathy to help them to better understand your customers. A WEM solution can also help employees leverage values such as honesty and trustworthiness. All of this results in better business outcomes.

WEM enables organisations to better understand these employee values and abilities and bring them to the forefront of customer interactions. The result will be a culture your employees love — a culture that results in lower turnover and higher customer satisfaction.

What Problems Does WEM Solve?

To reduce employee turnover in the contact centre, it’s important to improve agents’ daily working experience. Much of this involves simplifying their work, making them feel valued and showing them the contributions they’re making.

Research by work management software company Asana shows that hybrid and remote work have given employees greater flexibility, but they’re still losing the majority of their day — 58% — to work coordination rather than the jobs they’ve been hired to do. But giving workers more tools to do their jobs isn’t always better for productivity. The Anatomy of Work Index finds that workers are overwhelmed by the nine apps per day they’re using. To help employees succeed, companies need to give their employees the right tools to help them do their jobs more efficiently.

WEM makes it easier for new and existing employees to do the jobs you hired them to do. They can perform their work within a single solution that’s integrated with modern call centre software. And artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools can help managers and supervisors harness the superpowers of their people so the organisation becomes more successful.

With a modern WEM solution, your organisation can:

  • Simplify and personalise onboarding, training and development
  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Ensure you have the right resources to handle demand spikes
  • Simplify your internal technology footprint
  • Gain scalability for future growth
  • Maintain compliance with enhanced quality assurance and monitoring

What are the Capabilities of Workforce Engagement Management?

WEM software helps you create a better work environment and improve employee satisfaction by supporting your employees and making them feel valued. The capabilities of the software range from long-term workforce planning to real-time insights.

Employee performance management: Personalise and simplify your employee experiences with a single platform for CX, training, analytics and more. Enhance engagement from the day an employee is hired through their entire time with your company.

Workforce forecasting and scheduling: Handle demand fluctuations by ensuring you have the right support in place. Create accurate, flexible schedules in minutes with AI. Enable your leaders to focus on what matters.

Quality assurance and monitoring: Record and retain every interaction across channels. Access trends, training opportunities and Voice of the Customer insights.

Gamification: Convenient scorecards and leaderboards can help your employees meet their performance objectives. Drive results with real-time insights and helpful recommendations.

Speech and text analytics: Identify key events with transcription, sentiment analysis and topic spotting. Gain valuable insights with native speech and text analytics and use these insights to improve interactions in real time.

Enhance Employee Engagement with WEM

Employee and customer expectations are rising — and workforce engagement management software can help your organisation rise to the challenge.

WEM can help you make your workplace experience better from the day an employee joins your organisation, increasing worker loyalty and improving your employment brand. The software provides the content and context necessary for customer service agents to provide excellent service. And it helps managers train agents and develop their skills over time, which is a current focus for many organisations.

In an uncertain economy, there’s never been a better time to discover all the ways that WEM can help you drive employee engagement. Explore how an all-in-one, AI-powered solution can help you unleash your employee superpowers.