Market Education


Three Megatrends That Will Reshape Customer Service in 2019

Thursday 7th March 2019 – 2pm GMT / 3pm CET

Featuring Kate Leggett from Forrester Research


As AI becomes omnipresent, understanding its benefits means you need to keep up with its constant evolution. You’ll find discussions that question if the contact centre will even have agents tomorrow, recommend how many super agents you’ll need, discuss the impact the Netflix approach to customer experience has on your business and wonder whether processing at the edge will become as important as the move to the cloud.

It’s not always easy to tell, as new technology unfolds, what’s going to become hot or is just really cool and what practical applications will surface. At Genesys, we’re passionate about looking beyond today to see what tomorrow has in store and helping you understand what it all means.

In this webinar you’ll hear from Kate Leggett from Forrester and Christopher Connolly from Genesys about:

  • Mega trends that will reshape customer service in 2019
  • Future of work and how technology is shaping our worlds
  • The importance of “processing at the edge” in the move to cloud


Meet the Speakers


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Christopher Connolly
VP – Product Marketing


Kate leggett webinar image

Kate Leggett
Vice President & Principal Analyst
Forrester Research