Together, Genesys and AWS help government agencies provide secure solutions

FedRAMP Authorised solution


Support moments that matter with empathetic customer experiences

Customers rely on government agencies to provide key services. This is especially true for important moments like the birth of a child, retirement, applying for a small business loan, requesting natural disaster relief and more. Together, Genesys and Amazon Web Services (AWS) help government agencies provide secure, end-to-end solutions that deliver empathy across each customer touchpoint at scale.

Impact your mission

Meet your customers where they are. Deliver the best answer and support for every touchpoint. Leverage generative AI capabilities that are tightly integrated from AWS to Genesys Cloud® and Genesys Workforce Engagement Management.

Maximise your budget

Understand the customer journey to improve engagement and ROI. Prioritise digital engagement initiatives to maximise customer experience (CX) mission success and impact. Get the insights you need to make strategic decisions with analytics and reporting on your chosen Genesys product.

Securely deliver results

Safely evolve your contact centre to the cloud without disrupting services. Genesys is a global market leader delivering secure and compliant solutions. The Genesys Cloud platform, powered by AWS, is a FedRAMP Authorised solution with over 4,000 joint customers.

Leading public sector organisations trust Genesys and AWS

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Deliver empathetic support across every interaction

Drive extraordinary customer experiences

Customer experience is critical to increasing trust in government. Learn how to leverage Genesys and AWS solutions to personalise customer engagement, reach underserved populations with AI and elevate trust in government through customer success.

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