Managing contact centre performance
Better managing contact centre performance begins with easy access to the right statistics in real time. To understand the current status of your service level performance and have the right statistics available to better manage employee availability and behavior, you need to have a solution that offers the flexibility and speed to make informed decisions quickly.
Genesys Pulse is a web-based performance dashboard solution that offers contact centre managers and supervisors real-time access to key performance indicators. With Pulse, you monitor the status of your queues and gain actionable insights into individual and team performance. You can also visualise in real time the current status of your workforce to make the right decision at the right time.
Customisable dashboards through widgets
Genesys Pulse offers several personalised dashboards based on specific functional, geographical or organisational needs. Each Genesys Pulse dashboard presents information by widgets that can be simply configured to be viewed as graphs or tables and show information about queues, outbound campaigns, agent groups or employees. By selecting specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as service level, the number of interactions handled and average handle time, you can quickly customise Pulse to match your needs and help you make better decisions faster.
Multimedia support
Customers use a growing number of communication channels to contact your organisation, adding to the complexity of delivering on your service level objectives. Genesys Pulse supports customer communication channels such as voice (inbound and outbound), email, chat and social media interactions. Through Genesys Pulse you can monitor the complete customer experience and ensure your service levels across all channels.
Track progress of your outbound marketing campaigns
Managing the trade-off between your workforce and workload can be challenging without the appropriate monitoring solution. Through Genesys Pulse you can monitor the progress of your marketing campaigns across multiple sites, as well as the service level of your activities on the same dashboard that helps your manager to adjust their intraday marketing activities based on the current service level and entire workforce.