Last month, we announced an important pivot to focus Genesys innovation on Genesys Cloud™, the industry’s de facto Experience Orchestration cloud platform.

Our vision of Experience as a Service® requires Genesys to go beyond the contact center. The real value opportunity is much broader, using real-time AI in the cloud to achieve better outcomes across the business by creating and optimizing end-to-end experiences from all customer touchpoints, including interactions with Marketing, Sales and Services.

We and our customers are excited to focus on Genesys Cloud. Already, more than 600 Genesys customers — including many large enterprises — have decided to migrate to the platform. Today, more than 1,000 developers release new features on Genesys Cloud each week, and more than 4,000 customers and 720,000 agents in more than 100 countries are using the platform to create exceptional experiences.

I’m encouraged by the positive reception we’ve seen in response to our bolder and more focused approach to Genesys Cloud development, but I know some have asked what’s in store for our Genesys Engage™ on-premises platform.

As I mentioned in last month’s blog, we’ll continue to provide maintenance and support for Genesys Engage. We haven’t announced an end-of-life timeline for the platform; in fact, we still offer Genesys Engage on-premises subscriptions to new and existing customers. If we decide to change course with Genesys Engage, we’ll offer platform support until at least three years after that announcement or through 2028, whichever comes later.

Genesys Engage customers also will still receive the same level of 24×7 support they’re used to, and we’re committed to maintaining the same levels of security and resiliency by providing software and security patch updates, as well as defect management.

Without a doubt, the next phase of Experience as a Service will happen in the cloud. Until then, though, we’ll keep supporting our Genesys Engage customers while helping them access innovation on the Genesys Cloud platform as they consider their move to the Experience Orchestration platform of the future.