The vast majority of first-generation Contact Centre as a Service (CCaaS) platforms have delivered speed, but they don’t fully satisfy enterprise customers’ requirements for flexibility and choice. After deploying these CCaaS solutions, many enterprises have had to accept cloud infrastructure lock-in and limited support for the adjacent application integrations commonly found in complex contact centre environments. While this worked for CCaaS vendors that wanted customers to use all the components of their product suites, it delayed cloud migration for enterprise contact centres.

That all changes with the introduction of a new architecture for the Genesys Multicloud CX™ solution. It provides enterprises with the flexibility, scalability and portability they need to address the complexities of today’s – and tomorrow’s – contact centre. And, we’re doing it without the constraints of a platform that’s only optimised for one deployment model.

A Global Solution for Global Enterprises

The Genesys Multicloud CX architecture gives enterprises unmatched flexibility to execute against their cloud strategies — on their terms. This isn’t merely linking together numerous cloud platforms or offering our own solutions bundled under a “cloudy” brand moniker with subscription pricing.

Instead, our approach is based on industry-leading technology including microservices, containers and a container-orchestration system supported by all the cloud infrastructure providers. This will (finally) give enterprises a cloud contact centre solution that fits their unique requirements and builds on their existing IT strategies

Genesys Multicloud CX is the first and only contact centre platform enterprises can choose to operate on any cloud infrastructure — public or private cloud. This is what we call multicloud. It affords organisations the flexibility to choose their cloud infrastructure provider and management approach, while maintaining the same high levels of stability and security that have always been available through Genesys Multicloud CX.

The Difference Is in the Details

Our work to refactor the Genesys Multicloud CX software into a microservices container architecture began several years ago. We now produce the software as Docker containers and use Kubernetes to orchestrate the container deployments for our Genesys Multicloud CX cloud offer, which we operate. In addition, the new architecture consolidates our entire Genesys Multicloud CX customer base on one pipeline and one version of the software.

These containers can be run by our customers in any of the public cloud providers or even in their own on-premises data centre All of these deployment models will run identical software, delivered through one software pipeline.

The combination of this technology:

  • Enables Genesys Multicloud CX to run anywhere
  • Creates an easy migration path from private cloud to public cloud, from a customer- operated to a Genesys-operated cloud
  • Gives on-premises Genesys Multicloud CX customers faster development cycles and access to cloud-delivered innovations
  • Allows Genesys Multicloud CX customers to access applications from the Genesys Cloud™ platform, as well as other providers – even competitors
  • Makes Genesys Multicloud CX more robust by using container orchestration software to automatically manage services, starting and stopping containers as needed to support scale and fault tolerance
  • Makes it easier for Genesys Multicloud CX cloud customers to scale horizontally by adding or removing containers

The Genesys Multicloud CX team is leveraging a continuous development model with a build cycle and automation that has reduced the time from code complete to consumption from years to days. This means enterprises can benefit from the speed and promise of cloud without the cost and complexity of packaged software upgrades.

And, unlike any other vendor in the contact centre market, we’re extending our delivery pipeline to multiple public cloud providers as well as our customers and partners. This model addresses the needs of many large enterprises that desire the speed of a DevOps model but require control over the deployment.

In a nutshell, enterprises now have more versatility than ever to meet any technical requirement or regulatory, compliance and security needs. They can even change their plans down the road if (when) their business evolves. With our multicloud architecture, organisations can truly mold their contact centre infrastructure, management and ancillary applications, and embrace a multivendor ecosystem to elevate the experiences they deliver.

For our ecosystem of technology partners, system integrators, consultants, analysts and customers — it marks a transformation in flexibility our industry has needed for years. Learn more about multicloud and Genesys Multicloud CX.