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Today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, I’ve been reflecting on our collective successes, journeys, and the values we’re instilling in future generations – especially my own 8-year old daughter.

As I look around the Genesys UK office, I am inspired by the strong leadership of women like EJ Cay, our VP & General Manager of UKI, who steers the ship with grace and resilience, alongside other key leaders. In fact, three out of four members of her leadership team are women. Additionally, the presence of female software engineers, flying the flag for women in tech, fills me with pride and hope for the future.


International Women’s Day

A group of leaders in and outside of Genesys UKI giving advice to the next generation of Women in Tech


Earlier this week, we were fortunate to hear from two remarkable women who shared invaluable insights and inspiration with us at our London office.

You have to make your own dreams

Wincie Wong, a Diversity in Tech Ceiling Breaker and Female Founders Champion who is inspiring the next generation; with the message of pursuing dreams with unrelenting determination striking a chord with me personally. Her story of going “full panda” to chase her dreams serves as a reminder that we must relentlessly pursue what sets our souls on fire.

Step back and make a difference

Equally impactful was Ellen Paterson’s perspective from Refuge, which prompted deep reflection on the importance of giving back and using technology to support vulnerable women. Her words underscored the significance of using our skills and resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Views from the UK team

In speaking with various leaders within our organisation, a common thread emerged that formed a set of guiding principles that empower women to thrive in the workplace and beyond:

  • Be transparent, be yourself: Authenticity breeds trust and fosters meaningful connections
  • Be flexible and receptive to new ideas: Embrace change and innovation with an open mind
  • Be inclusive: Champion diversity and create spaces where everyone feels valued and heard
  • Be comfortable being uncomfortable: Growth often lies outside our comfort zones embrace the discomfort as a catalyst for personal and professional development
  • Be challenging, aim high: Set ambitious goals and relentlessly pursue excellence
  • Make a difference
  • Utilise your difference as your superpower

I am reminded of a conversation I had with my daughter a few years ago, when she expressed disbelief at the limitations women faced in the past – from fighting for the right to vote in the last century to today’s challenge in securing pay parity – her innocent incredulity serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of continuing to advocate for equality and justice, both for ourselves and for future generations.

Make a difference: Whether big or small, strive to leave a lasting impact on the world around you

As we take a moment to honour International Women’s Day, let us reflect on how far we’ve come while acknowledging the ongoing fight for gender equality worldwide. It’s heartwarming to witness the progress, yet sobering to recognise that the journey is far from over.

There’s a great quote from Marian Wright Edelman – American activist for civil rights – on the importance of role models: “You can’t be what you can’t see”. This is especially true in tech, where we need more visible role models for young girls thinking of pursuing careers in this sector. The next time my daughter and I have a chat about what she’d like to be when she grows up, I know a few women in our R&D team to point her to. 😊

#inspireinclusion  #internationalwomensday