


SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Genesys, a global leader in cloud customer experience and contact center solutions, announced a partnership with Limitless, a pioneer in Gig Customer Experience (GigCX). Together, the companies are leading a new era of digital customer experiences to create more authentic, human connections between brands and consumers. Genesys and Limitless are helping businesses extend their contact center teams using a gig workforce comprised of brand experts that can provide consumers anywhere in the world with new levels of trusted support. End-customers will benefit from reliable answers to their questions from passionate, experienced users of products and services via their preferred digital channels, such as text and chat.


Customer service issues are so diverse in nature that not all needs can be effectively met through the traditional contact center. In many cases, consumers actually prefer the support and advice that only other users can provide. To meet this need, consumers have long depended on online review systems for education about products and to inform purchase decisions. This trend has only accelerated as consumers increasingly shift to e-commerce from in-person shopping as result of the events of the past year. Unfortunately, recent research suggests that fake reviews are now a far too common reality.


Limitless is filling a gap in the service experience by providing consumers access to trusted brand advocates for authenticated, peer support. Businesses also benefit with a ready-to-go talent pool to help scale their workforce during busy periods. For example, brand aficionados, such as a proficient eBay store owner, Microsoft Xbox guru or Sun Basket loyalist, can serve as customer service experts via the Limitless Gig CX platform and get paid for the skills they’ve picked up along the way.

Limitless通过为消费者连接值得信赖的品牌代言人,并提供真实可靠的产品信息与支持,填补了客户体验领域的这一空白。灵活机动的人才队伍也将帮助企业在业务高峰时期扩大员工规模,使企业获益。例如,精通业务的eBay店主、微软Xbox大师、Sun Basket的忠实粉丝等品牌发烧友可以通过Limitless Gig CX平台为消费者提供客户服务,同时凭借自己的知识和技能赚取报酬。

AI-powered service experiences built for digital consumers


By bringing together Genesys Cloud™ with the Limitless GigCX platform, now brands can provide a more connected contextual experience across the customer journey. Genesys orchestrates this integration by leveraging AI capabilities, which predict and blend the resources necessary to resolve a customer’s inquiry, whether a Limitless Expert, contact center agent or even a bot. Genesys AI also works in the background to ensure customers have a seamless hand-off between the Limitless expert and contact center.

Genesys Cloud™与Limitless GigCX平台的集成能够帮助企业品牌在消费者的整个客户历程中基于客户的交互历史提供更为一致、连贯的服务体验。编排系统集成的Genesys AI功能能够预测出解决客户问询所需的各项资源,并将其整合到一起,无论是Limitless专家、联络中心座席,还是机器人。Genesys AI还能在后台工作,确保客户在Limitless专家和联络中心之间实现无缝转接。

For example, if a consumer is requesting support about a product they recently purchased, AI is used to automatically assign a Limitless Expert to troubleshoot and provide advice. If during the exchange a customer would like to upgrade or purchase another product, the inquiry can be passed with full context back to the brand’s contact center so an agent can help to complete the purchase. In addition, AI assists both the Limitless expert and agent by surfacing relevant information and customer history to enhance their knowledge so they can deliver a better experience.


Under the partnership, Genesys is making a strategic investment in Limitless to support the growth of its platform. Genesys joins other Limitless investors at a key point in the five-year-old company’s trajectory with its closing of a recent Series B financing valued at $10 million.


Commenting on the news:


  • “Recent events have highlighted two important trends: how customer service can exist outside the walls of the contact center; and the importance of digital platforms, AI, and automation in enabling such remote service to maintain or exceed customer engagement expectations,” said Mila D’Antonio, Principal Analyst, Omdia. “The Genesys and Limitless partnership offers businesses a path to transform and scale their customer service, as well as optimize efficiency, customer resolution and workforce planning.”

   Omdia首席分析师Mila D’Antonio表示:“最近发生的事件突出了两大重要趋势:一是如何在联络中心之外提供客户服务;二是通过数字平台、人工智能和自动化提供远程服务来满足甚至超越客户期望的重要性。Genesys与Limitless的合作能够帮助企业实现客户服务的转型和升级,同时提升企业运营效率和客户问题解决率,改善劳动力规划结果。”

  • “By partnering with Limitless, we’re enabling brands to connect customers with credible, authentic support that has the power to elevate ordinary transactions into more meaningful, lasting relationships,” said Olivier Jouve, executive vice president and general manager of Genesys Cloud. “Together, we are helping businesses deliver unique customer experiences driven by AI that ultimately offers digital consumers more value while extending the capabilities of their contact centers.”

Genesys Cloud执行副总裁兼总经理Olivier Jouve表示:“通过与Limitless合作,我们将帮助品牌为客户提供真实可靠的服务与支持,这有助于将普通的交易转化为更持久、更有意义的客户关系。我们将与Limitless一起帮助企业提供由人工智能驱动的独特客户体验,在实现企业联络中心功能扩展的同时,为数字消费者创造更大的价值。”

  • “Our partnership with Genesys marks an important step forward in our global expansion initiatives,” said Roger Beadle, CEO, Limitless. “We’re working together to reimagine how brands and people connect in a digital world. By leveraging the combined power of Genesys Cloud and the Limtless Gig CX platforms, we’re enabling businesses to deliver new levels of customer service driven by AI and Gig Experts.”

Limitless首席执行官Roger Beadle表示:“与Genesys的合作标志着我们在全球扩张计划中迈出了重要的一步。在这个数字化的世界里,我们将共同重塑品牌与客户的交互方式。通过集成Genesys Cloud和Limtless Gig CX平台,我们将助力企业交付由AI和Gig专家共同驱动的卓越客户服务。”  

About Genesys
Every year, Genesys® delivers more than 70 billion remarkable customer experiences for organizations in over 100 countries. Through the power of the cloud and AI, our technology connects every customer moment across marketing, sales and service on any channel, while also improving employee experiences. Genesys pioneered Experience as a ServiceSM so organizations of any size can provide true personalization at scale, interact with empathy, and foster customer trust and loyalty. This is enabled by Genesys CloudTM, an all-in-one solution and the world’s leading public cloud contact center platform, designed for rapid innovation, scalability and flexibility. Visit www.genesys.com.


Genesys®每年为100多个国家的企业和机构创造超过700亿次的卓越客户体验。Genesys利用云和人工智能技术帮助企业的市场营销、销售和服务等部门,通过所有渠道建立客户交互,同时提供更好的员工体验。Genesys率先推出了体验即服务℠解决方案,帮助各类规模的企业和机构全面交付真正的个性化服务,带着同理心与客户沟通,从而建立客户信任和忠诚度。体验即服务℠解决方案由Genesys Cloud™提供支持,Genesys Cloud™是一款全球领先的一体化解决方案和公有云联络中心平台,具备突出的快速创新性、可扩展性和灵活性。访问www.genesys.com/zh-cn

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